About me

My first relationship with a horse started when I was three years old – I saw a horse on TV for the first time. At that moment I started drawing… drawing horses. It was forever love from the first sight. It is difficult to explain why I love horses so much, but does it really matter? Do you have to love for something in particular?
A few year ago we relocated to Australia and by a chance I visited a horse show. I had been photographing the whole day long and was enjoying the environment – horses, people, people and horses. When I looked at the photographs at the end of day, what I saw has changed my life forever. Love, friendship, and understanding between a person and a horse. I realised that I wanted to capture those moments and to be as close to them as possible.
Over time I met many horse show participants. All of them are amazing people who love horses and who talk the same language with them. I believe that a good photography can show all the love and friendship between humans and their pet.